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German experts suggest the incorporation of the nap in companies, as a small break in working hours, as a method to optimize worker performance.

Mario Ohoven , president of the German Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, said: "Smart entrepreneurs know the importance of a restorative break to maintain the performance, creativity and motivation of the worker."

The nap In the workplace, it was successfully established in the United States, Japan and Austria. The reason is that by "incorporating this type of work conditions, it increases the attractiveness of a company to recruit qualified employees".

The information published by the agency EFE, indicates that this position is shared by medical insurers: "A nap of a quarter of an hour can help as much as a short walk in the open air, against the usual fatigue after midday meal," he said. Ursula Maschall , expert in human resources of Germany.

Would you like the nap to be part of your working day? If you are a boss, would you give yourself the opportunity to try this alternative?

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