Enterovirus damages respiratory functions

Specialists of the World Organization of the United Nations (UN) ensure that the bacterium lethal named enterovirus 71 is the cause of the death of 61 children in Cambodia in the last three months.

In information published in the BBC It is highlighted that health officials in Cambodia and UN experts found a connection between the enterovirus 71 , what cause disease in the hands, feet and mouth, and the inexplicable death of dozens of children in that Asian country.

The experts pointed out that a large part of the affected children tested positive on the enterovirus 71. The following video explains the way in which the virus and the impact it has had in Cambodia.

The World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that more tests will be carried out to rule out the presence of other bacteria or virus . The enterovirus It was detected in April 2012 in several communities in southern Cambodia.

The main symptoms of enterovirus 71 are the inflammation and paralysis of brain , deterioration of respiratory functions, fever , ulcers on the mouth, hands and feet; It causes death in just 24 hours. This disease is spread by contact with infected blisters or feces.

WHO specialists recommend keeping children away from public spaces where outbreaks have been recorded, as well as having a hygiene constant, that is, they wash their hands frequently with soap and water.

So far there is no vaccine to treat or prevent enterovirus 71, there is only one treatment to control the side effects of the condition, such as meningitis or heart failure. And you, did you know enterovirus 71?

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