Emotional effects of fibromyalgia

The fibromyalgia It is a chronic disease that is influenced by biological and psychological factors. It has been shown that the behavior of patients directly influences the general perception of this disease.

The Clinic of Personality Studies of Minerosota , observed that the psychological profile of these patients presents high levels of depression , hypochondria and hysteria .

In the next video, the doctor María Isabel Barrera health psychologist explains to GetQoralHealth what are the emotional effects of fibromyalgia :

According to the research conducted by the Mineesota Clinic, patients with fibromyalgia they have psychosocial problems and somatization . In fact, some specialists declare that the presence of pain chronic is attributable to an alteration of the somatization .

The health psychologist, María Isabel Barrera, It also explains the emotional symptoms of fibromyalgia:

It is ensured that psychological manifestations can be considered as aspects of the pain chronic. These patients present alterations in psychosocial functioning related to the issue of drug abuse, resistance to treatment, emotional conflicts with people in the environment and negative emotional changes.

Therefore, it is important to identify patients with depression , since not being treated in time can bring with it complications in the treatment of fibromyalgia .  

Video Medicine: Dealing with the Physical and Emotional Effects of Fibromyalgia (May 2024).