Proteins that you will love if you want to lose weight

One of the ideal combinations for slim down is through a balanced diet and the exercise regular. Although specialists indicate that a diet high in proteins help to go down of weight because it makes work easier metabolic of the organism and creates a feeling of satiety .


According to a study conducted by researchers from Maastricht University , Holland, proteins in the diet favor treatments against obesity and the metabolic syndrome . These act in the expenditure of energy and in the effect of satiety. "


Proteins that you will love if you want to lose weight

Like this investigation, there is evidence that a diet high in proteins combined with exercise can increase the lost of weight and the body fat as well as improve muscle tone.


Katherine Zeratsky, Mayo Clinic specialist , explains that the average adult requires 46 to 56 grams of protein a day, according to your weight and general health. You can get it through a diet healthy".

Next, a list of natural foods rich in proteins , as indicated by the United States Department of Agriculture .

1. Fish. Feeding rich in lean meats such as fish , salmon or tuna, is one of the easiest ways to getprotein . A regular piece or cut can contain from 115 to 226 grams.

2. Beans. When you consume half a plate you get seven grams of protein . This is the same amount as a 28,350 grams cheese or lean chicken meat. You could consider a serving of beans at lunch or dinner. Also, they are rich in fiber , it helps you to feel satisfied longer.

3. Vegetables. With half a cup of vegetables like spinach , celery , carrot or broccoli , you get two to six grams of protein. One way to take advantage of this nutrient is to choose the right ones, eat larger portions and combine them with whole grains.

4. Lentils. Half a cup of lentils contains nine grams of protein and, therefore, help you lose weight because they are low in calories and they contribute fiber , so they keep you satiated longer.

5. Nuts One ounce of this fruit provides seven grams of protein . It is an excellent option to eat them as snacks or include them in your salads.

If your goal is go down of weight , the best action is to maintain a balanced regime between your feeding Y physical activity . This means including key nutrients such as proteins , healthy fats and fiber , among others.

Remember, the protein is only one element that can help you with your goal to to lose weight . It is recommended that before starting with a diet consult the opinion of a nutritionist.

Video Medicine: MORE vs LESS PROTEIN For Fat Loss (May 2024).