Live worry free and be happy!

If there is a lesson we must learn from an economic crisis, it is vital to reformulate our way of life and, especially, how we invest our resources, but what tips to cut costs are the best?

More than a decade ago, Joe Dominguez and Vicky Robin wrote a book called "The bag or life", in which they proposed concrete actions to cut costs without losing quality of life.

At the time, the document went unnoticed by many people, however, it can now be of great help. Then, GetQoralHealth presents some of the measures proposed by the authors.


Live worry free and be happy!


  1. Cancel all credit cards. This way you will avoid high interest rates. However, you can keep one for emergencies.
  2. Have only one bank account and always pay in cash. This way you will clearly notice what you have and you will better control the inflows and outflows of money.
  3. Keep a notebook of expenses up to date. This helps you optimize purchases and understand what percentage of your budget you spend on each item.
  4. Use public transportation or share a vehicle with co-workers. A car for a single person is an excessive expense and, at the same time, anti-ecological.
  5. Live as close as possible to work to eat at home. If this is not possible, it is worth taking your food to the office. In addition to saving money, you will eat healthier.
  6. Lose weight. It is a rather preventive measure. By doing so, you will cut expenses; in the medium term you will save money from doctor visits and expensive treatments.
  7. Reduce stress Anxiety triggers compulsive consumerism, since many people fight it by going shopping.
  8. Go shopping only when necessary and compare the prices of different stores. Avoid "shopping" for fun; you will often end up buying things that you do not need and that you will not use.
  9. Travel out of season. In this way, the prices of hotels and transportation are lower. Other economic options are to participate in a volunteering, camping in a natural place or, even, to make vacations in house.

Finally, the analysts of the concept "Gross Interior Happiness" ensure that when basic needs are met, personal well-being does not increase with material prosperity. And you, how do you save without sacrificing your lifestyle?