Emotional benefits of meditation

This technique offers great advantages for the body not only in a physical way, by looking better and delaying the aging process, but above all it helps you to have a emotional balance . Some of the advantages of to meditate , are:

1. You can focus on the breathing or in an object; Let the thoughts flow. This change in consciousness corresponds to a predominance of alpha-type brain electric waves, associated with receptivity and tranquility.

2. Hypnosis . This is a state of deep relaxation induced by a therapist. It can be used for healing purposes because it multiplies the control of the mind over physiological processes. It reduces the perception of pain and supports cognitive psychological therapy to overcome phobias and addictions.

3. The sophrology , is a technique that tries to harmonize consciousness through attention to one's own body, autosuggestion and visualization.

It is effective to increase the ability to concentrate and to see things positively. It is used to treat psychosomatic diseases .

4. Display . It uses the imagination to influence physiological processes. For example, cells of the immune system can be visualized by fighting against bacteria or cancer cells. It is useful as a preventive technique and as a support in the recovery of any disease.

Some relaxation techniques should be learned in specialized centers. Such is the case of autogenic training which is a way of autohypnosis .

It consists of several exercises that act on different parts of the body in a certain sequence and induce the relaxation deep

Once this technique is learned, deep relaxation can be accessed quickly in virtually any situation. It has effects similar to sophrology and the meditation .

Video Medicine: Psychological and Emotional benefits of Meditation (April 2024).