10 keys to your mental ability

The current rhythm of life causes that more and more people present symptoms of stress and mental fatigue, for which, it is important that you know how to relax, stimulate your brain, for a better mental ability and make good decisions in your activities and personal life.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present you some keys to achieve it, according to the portals of innatia.com and vitadelia.com:

1. Learn numbers . Memorizing numbers is something of the most complicated for many people, but it is a good exercise for our brain to strengthen your ability to memory and stimulate comprehension skills in various areas of the brain.

2. Read . Reading is one of the most recommended things for almost all areas of life, the same for your brain, because it reinforces the ability of thought and compression before the different problems that we face.

3. Break the routines. If you do the same thing every day, you are not creating new connections in your brain that allow you to exercise creativity . Do the same thing in different ways, stimulate your brain to to learn something new to enhance your capacity.

4. Use your other hand . Trying to do things with the non-dominant hand is one of the most complicated challenges our brain and body can face. Something as simple as changing the hand clock can mean a challenge for our brain.

5. Play an instrument . Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the things that most stimulate your brain because it requires many connections, in addition to music itself drives your mental abilities .

6. Learn a new language or a word every day. It has been proven that this exercise increases brain capacity related to len guaje . More vocabulary helps us to better understand what surrounds us and express ourselves accurately.

7. Relaxation Take a few minutes each day to relax and get rid of stress , allows your brain to function in a better way. You can use breathing techniques, yoga, meditation or just walk or go out to get fresh air.

8. Take a nap. It is shown that giving you a break to sleep 15 to 20 minutes each day, improves the skills of the memory , the dream and promotes the good humor , especially after the meal.

9. Video games They help in eye-hand coordination, spatial visualization and simultaneous attention to different things, especially action games.

10. Diet to stimulate your memory. There are several foods that strengthen and stimulate your concentration and memory , such as fish, grapes, nuts, spinach, red fruits, avocado, bitter chocolate, cinnamon and apples, to name a few.

The way you can combine each of these keys, every day, will allow you to exercise and stimulate your brain to have a good mental health, which is also reflected in a better quality of life. Go ahead and try them!

Video Medicine: How to Unlock Your Brain Capacity (April 2024).