International Condom Day is celebrated in Veracruz

AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION AC, the provider of comprehensive health services in HIV The largest in the world, has chosen Veracruz to host the International Day of the Condom in recognition of the work done by Multisectorial Group and the Universidad Veracruzana in the fight against HIV-AIDS.

Playful workshops on the correct use of condoms and the distribution of thousands of condoms , will be offered by the Regional Hospital of Veracruz and the Ambulatory Center for the attention of AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (CAPASITS), the Sanitary Jurisdiction num. VIII and the State HIV-AIDS Program, in order to improve the quality of information and boost prevention of the AIDS epidemic.

The participating organizations and institutions will offer rapid tests for timely detection of HIV, which will be voluntary and free . The results will be delivered no later than 20 minutes and will be confidential. Those who are reactive to the test, if they wish, can be channeled to the CAPASITS that will provide them with medical follow-up and free medications.

The Port of Veracruz will hold the Carnaval del Condón this February 13 from 10 in the morning until 8 at night in the Municipal Palace.