Melanoma is more common in young people

It is estimated that between 1 and 2% of the world population suffers from some type of skin cancer , of which the melanoma is the most severe due to its high capacity to develop metastasis in other organs of the body.

Therefore, specialists in skin recommend going with the dermatologist once changes are observed in spots and moles , such as increased size, color, itching or bleeding.

To prevent the development of skin cancer , it is best to take shelter from the sun, that is, it is ideal to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays between 10 and 16 o'clock.

However, if it is necessary to stay outdoors during this time, it is essential to apply creams with protection factor 30 or total screen, in case of skins very clear or with previous damage.

The protector should be placed at least half an hour before exposure and renewed every two hours.

In the following video, some experiences of people suffering from melanoma are explained; In addition, some recommendations are given to prevent its development.


What to do with the children?

Since they have a lower development of immune system , babies of up to six months should not apply sunscreen cream (chemicals) for the risk of allergic reactions.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid going out with babies in the so-called "peak hours", because even the clouds let the ultraviolet rays pass and, both the sand and the walls and the rest of the surfaces, refract the rays and burn, even if the child is under roof or from an umbrella.

In case of leaving, the boys should be protected with hats and clear pants.

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Video Medicine: Melanoma Statistics | Did You Know? (May 2024).