8 nutrients to increase man's fertility

If the time has come to plan with your partner the arrival of a baby, it is important that both take the necessary measures for a good conception, in addition to ensuring the due training of the new member.

Among the measures to be taken is a healthy feeding , so we give you some recommendations to increase the fertility :

Vitamin A . Protects cells from male reproductive system of premature aging. It is very positive in the formation of steroids , which make up progesterone . You find this nutrient in carrots, milk and oranges, along with green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin AND . Improves the motility of the sperm and you can consume it in oils of seeds and olive, as well as in almonds and nuts

Zinc . Raise the level of testosterone . Food rich in zinc are: celery, asparagus, figs and aubergines.

Vitamin C . It helps to avoid defects in the sperm and stimulates their mobility. Among these the main foods that contain this vitamin can be highlighted: citrus, garlic, onions, strawberries, pineapples, papayas, hazelnuts and almonds.

Arginine Contributes to the creation of sperm . Foods rich in this component are: onions, garlic, asparagus, oats, peppers, carrots, lettuce, apple and spinach.

Calcium and vitamin D . Your daily consumption can improve fertility, according to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Among other measures, remember to drink excessively, that is, the equivalent of two drinks alcoholic per day, causes low weight in babies, who weigh on average 185 grams less than other children.

Low birth weight represents a serious health complication that can compromise the physical and mental well-being of the child for the rest of his life. Take care of yourself, to take care of them!

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Video Medicine: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count | UCLA Urology (April 2024).