Activate and exercise your mind

Keeping young, relaxed and exercised the brain is essential to live longer, reduce the risk of diseases and improve your quality of life. Here we tell you how to achieve it.

Just as it is important to work the muscles of your body to see and feel good, it is essential that all people work with their memory , since the brain is also a muscle that is rarely put into practice.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are divided into four parts: frontal lobe, parietal, temporal and occipital. The frontal region is the basis of creativity, memory, communication and self-control.

Work gray matter

Recent research shows that reading aloud and performing calculations quickly are effective activities to exercise your brain.

The use of diagrams and memoramas are also useful for reinforcing gray matter. The best time to perform these exercises is in the morning, when the highest brain activity is recorded.

This, like crosswords or physical exercises that require greater concentration such as swimming, pilates or yoga, will help your memory to exercise; consequently you will live better and you will feel fuller.

Video Medicine: Basic Yoga : Brain Yoga Exercises (April 2024).