Does your voice give you away when you lie?

Although they are part of daily life, the lies and people who say them can be very damaging, and one way to discover them is through the voice and context that surrounds them.

GetQoralHealth and the psychologist Sara Dulché they present you with the following video that will help you discover who cheats you:

The voice is a factor that allows you to distinguish when you lie, so we offer the following tips that will allow you to detect it more quickly:

1. When lying there is a tension in the vocal cords that alters the voice. As they become more rigid, the vocal timbre may rise slightly in frequency, become sharper or even oscillate between acute and then normal.

2. Stuttering, run-over of syllables and even difficulty in articulating complete words may occur.

3. The liar can speak in two ways: slow and bumpy or fast and conclusive. These changes in speed and fluidity are the product of internal conflicts between what one feels, what one means and the repercussions of lying.

Do you lie or lie to you? Remember, an action that harms another can never have good results. Respect and take care!