Antioxidants vs free radicals

The free radicals they are formed from oxygen that enters our body and give rise to a oxidation . Normally, 95% of this oxygen it is used by cells to produce energy. However, the rest is what generates the free radicals that can cause damage to the body.

In the case of athletes, this process is accentuated more because when activated, up to 20 times more is consumed. oxygen than under normal conditions, according to

This high consumption of oxygen produces in our body an excess of free radicals ; that is, the oxidative stress , which represents a threat to health.

The body is unable to burn all the oxygen due to which the functions decrease with the physical activity , so it can not be metabolized properly and becomes radical.

Another cause is the oxidation of lactate muscle , because the fibers release the dehydrogenated lactate enzyme. In addition, the increase in body temperature causes difficulties in the combustion of oxygen , which means that a greater part of it becomes free radicals .

Therefore, when you perform exercise You should have a regular diet that, in addition to providing you nutrients necessary, allow you to cover your expenses caloric and fight the oxidation by ingesting antioxidants .

To know more about the importance of antioxidants , in an interview with GetQoralHealth , Rubén Lepe, from Sport City Nutrition , explains its benefits and makes some recommendations:

However, the production of free radicals is greater in those who perform a exercise intense without being prepared.

Therefore, you must start exercise in a slow and progressive way to avoid injuries and other complications to your health. It is important that you advise with experts to help you establish a program of physical activity and one diet according to your needs.

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Video Medicine: What are Antioxidants and Free Radicals Anyway?! (April 2024).