Do you want to be more optimistic?

Does not money give you happiness? It is possible that this popular phrase has a certain degree of truth; however, according to a study conducted by the University of Illinois, higher income does influence whether a person is more optimistic or not.

Being more optimistic is the key to success, but how are Mexicans in this area? GetQoralHealth , in collaboration with Chain Three News, they tell you in this video:

The survey conducted by the International Business Review (IBR) by Grant Thornton, the business leaders of the 44 economies that contribute 80% of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) place Mexico in fifth place in terms of optimism. Still despite the instability that is experienced.

But how can bail bonds affect the most optimistic? In the study done by the Illinois school and published by the American Psychological Association Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, It was found that earning more money leads to greater happiness since this allows to improve the level of life of the person:

1. You have enough money for food.

2. Pay the bills.

3. Acquire services for your entertainment and performance, password or internet.

In addition, the increase in family income increases or improves the future perception of your life and more positive feelings.


Do you want to be more optimistic?

To achieve this we offer you three tips:

1. Put aside the assumption that the world is against you.

2. Use positive affirmations.

3. Always seek balance, analyze your defects and qualities.

Remember, being more optimistic is in your hands, try it.

Video Medicine: How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking) (April 2024).