Do you suffer identity crisis?

Do you feel that everything you do is wrong and most of your behaviors or thoughts are negative? Maybe you are experiencing an identity crisis that does not allow you to see your goals or objectives that you must meet.

The psychologist Kendra Cherry, collaborator of the portal , points out that the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson describes the identity crisis as one of the most important conflicts faced by people during their lives.

Even the author details that some studies have revealed that those individuals who have experienced it tend to be happier and have a better quality of life than those who do not.

However, it is important to learn to face it and successfully exit it. Therefore, we give you the following tips:

1. Meditate. According to the portal, The first thing you should do is analyze what you want and what things you do not like (physical, psychological and spiritual). Discover what causes you anxiety and stress.

2.- Discover what makes you happy. Not everything in your life is negative, so make an effort and discover everything that fills you with life and energy to serve you as motivators to get ahead, according to the blog CirKiss Life .

3.- Never compare yourself. Rate everything around you and set goals to get everything you want. Every human being is different and unique, both physically and spiritually, so just look for what makes you happy and do not try to impress others with attitudes that do not belong to you.

4.- Increase your confidence. To get out of the identity crisis and find your way again you must trust yourself, your abilities and qualities. Accept yourself as you are and try to improve the negative aspects!

For the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson , an identity crisis is the opportune moment to carry out a deep analysis of the physical and psychological characteristics of a person, so do not miss it and learn from each one of your personal experiences.

Do not hesitate to go with a specialist to help you value your life again and remember that you must lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent diseases from impacting your mood. And you, have you ever had an identity crisis?

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