Discover if you are a victim of mobbing

The mobbing It is a form of moral violence that develops in the workplace in a constant way, through psychological attacks that damage the personal and professional integrity of the victim, points out María de Lourdes Montes de Oca , Regional Coordinator of the Institute of Women (Inmujeres) of the Federal District .

According to Anteroos Therapeutic Center , the mobbing can be identified through the behavior of the person, so if you want to discover if you have been a victim of this type of violence, answer the following test.


Prepare paper and pencil!

Write on a sheet the affirmative answers to the questions presented below:

  1. They maliciously attribute illicit or unethical behavior
  2. You receive criticism and reproach for whatever you do or decision you make in your work
  3. Small errors are amplified and dramatized in a malicious way to alter you
  4. They threaten you
  5. They continually devalue your effort
  6. They make you incur professional mistakes
  7. Your superior refuses to communicate, talk or meet with you
  8. They ignore you or exclude you
  9. They shout to you
  10. They interrupt you continuously
  11. They accuse you unjustifiably or falsely of breaches, errors, or failures
  12. They assign tasks that endanger your physical integrity or health
  13. They humiliate you, despise you in public
  14. Evaluate your work and performance in a negative way
  15. They leave you with no work to do, even on your own initiative, and then accuse you of doing nothing or being lazy
  16. You are assigned tasks or jobs below your professional capacity
  17. They force you to perform works that go against your principles or your ethics
  18. Limit your access to promotions, promotions, training courses or training to harm you
  19. Modify your responsibilities without communicating
  20. You receive insinuations or direct or indirect sexual propositions
  21. You receive criticism or ridicule about aspects of your personal life
  22. They physically push you to intimidate you
  23. They deprive you of necessary information to do your job


Add the affirmative answers. If you have answered affirmatively to one or more of the questions and these behaviors are repetitive for at least once a week for at least six months, you are a victim of mobbing . Go with a specialist to help you overcome the physical, psychological and social problems that trigger this type of violence, as described by the specialist Lourdes Montes de Oca below:

On the other hand, an aggressor has already established behaviors and behaviors such as insulting comments, ridicules or laughs at a person publicly, isolates the victim from classmates and assigns tasks that are impossible to fulfill. And you, have you been a victim of mobbing?

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Video Medicine: How I survived workplace bullying | Sherry Benson-Podolchuk | TEDxWinnipeg (May 2024).