Looks after your teeth!

Tooth decay and gingivitis They are some diseases caused by neglecting your teeth , but they are not the only ones: A study reveals that poor oral health increases the risk of losing memory or develop Alzheimer's .

A group of researchers from Japan says that people over 65 who used prostheses or had their teeth in poor condition, were more likely to suffer memory loss or Alzheimer's , those that kept your teeth healthy.

One of the possible causes of memory loss is that gum infections release substances that increase brain inflammation, which causes the death of neurons.

The foregoing could cause a vicious circle; the loss of those brain connections It could also cause the loss of more teeth, which in turn would contribute to cognitive decline.

With the passage of time gum infections are very frequent and are often asymptomatic, so the annual visit to the gums is important. dentist .


Looks after your teeth!

To maintain a good oral health and cerebral is very important hygiene and daily care that you have with your mouth. Some simple and easy measures are:


  1. Brush your teeth, at least twice a day, with a paste with fluoride.
  2. Use thread or floss at least once a day.
  3. Eat healthy: limit sugar-rich foods between meals, caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
  4. Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.
  5. Visit the dentist regularly (at least twice a year).

Do not wait for more time to pass. Start today to improve your oral hygiene to keep your teeth and memory in good condition.

Video Medicine: Why do We Brush Our Teeth? (April 2024).