What do you miss?

The stress , the anxiety and the problems of everyday life can make you feel that there are no "reasons" for smile. However, what are you missing when you stop doing this simple action?


According to a study by the Oxford University, an adult smile approximately 12 times during the day, and it may even take days for it to happen again; situation that differs significantly when it comes to an infant, because he can laugh almost 400 times.


What do you miss?

"The laughter It serves as an internal safety valve that allows to release tensions, dispel worries, relax and forget everything, "says the expert. Lee Berk .

If you still do not cheer up, here we tell you what you're missing because you do not laugh. Discover it!

1. Do it with your friends . In a study published in the Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , says that the laughter social, significantly increases the pain threshold, probably through an explosion of endorphins .

2. Your blood vessels work better. Researchers of the University of Maryland and Stanford University , point out that the laughter results in a 22% increase in the flow of blood through glasses. In addition to that, it increases nitric oxide, which has a protective effect on the system cardiovascular .

3. You distinguish between falsehood and legitimacy. A study of Royal Holloway University from London states that when forced laughter is heard, there is more activity in the anterior medial prefrontal cortex region of the brain, which indicates that you're probably trying to figure out what the person is really feeling with Honesty the joy (since it is not simply the joy of a good laugh).

4. It helps you find your ideal partner. An investigation directed by psychologist Eric Bressler , maintains that 62% of women select as a couple men who make them laugh and 65% of men choose as partners women who appreciate their jokes. Moreover, the research indicates that laughing during the intimate act reduces the tension that exists between couples

The benefits of laughter are infinite, so try to do this activity more regularly. Beware!

Video Medicine: Superpitcher - What Do You Miss? (April 2024).