Factors that make it hard to stop smoking

Because the addiction to nicotine is more severe, women find it harder to work give up smoking than men, says a study of the American Society Against Cancer published in the magazine New England Journal of Medicine.

In accordance with Michael Thun, researcher and lead author of the study , women find it harder to work give up smoking , even make the decision to reduce this habit, since it is much more ingrained if they start doing it since adolescence. And although they detect signs such as reduced air capacity or increased appearance of wrinkles, there is a much stronger fear.

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Factors that make it hard to stop smoking

Alejandra Ramírez Venegas, Head of the EPOC Clinic of the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) , explains that women are currently more exposed to high levels of stress, and risk of suffering anxiety, depression and even violence; variables that influence any treatment for give up smoking.

However, the main factors that make it difficult to stop smoking for them are the fear of the symptoms of abstinence (increased appetite and lack of concentration), psychological and social variables, and above all, a high concern for weight gain. In addition, hormonal cycles are related to a greater possibility of relapse.

Regarding psycho-social variables, several studies have reported that women's behavior is more sensitive to conditioning related to mood and negative affect that produces give up smoking .

The nicotine It has antidepressant properties, explains the specialist, and women metabolize it faster than men, so that depression when leaving the habit may be more prevalent in them.

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Stop smoking without gaining weight

According to Michel Tun's study, on average and in the short term, give up smoking a woman can increase up to 5 kilos. In addition, weight gain is also a factor of relapse.

In this regard, most specialists recommend doing exercise to the give up smoking , in order to control the weight in that way. Also, have a proper rest and a breakfast rich in protein, which helps control and reduce appetite during the day.

Video Medicine: Tips to Stop Smoking (April 2024).