6 tips to pacify your baby's colic

When you see that you baby cries For a long time, and you do not know what the reason is, it is very likely that you have colic. Although the causes of these are not well known, there are some recommendations that have proven their functionality.

Therefore, we give you some recommendations to appease your baby if you are suffering from colic:


  1. Walk with your baby, mécete in a chair or try other positions to see if in any of them the little one feels comfortable
  2. Make him burp frequently during foods , with this you will avoid that accumulate air in the stomach
  3. Put it on your lap, face down, and massage your back
  4. Put it on a swing or rocking chair, or put it in a baby carrier and take it for a ride in the car
  5. put music relaxing
  6. Turn on the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, clothes dryer or some white noise device to distract it and thereby can calm down

By no reason replace the medical care . If you see that none of these tips work, go to the pediatrician to examine it thoroughly and discard something more complex.