Have fun according to your personality!

How to plan the holidays Summer with your children? It is important that children live and enjoy their leisure time; a time destined for recreation; that is, re-creation, "re-creating", and allowing you to find yourself, with the aim of relaxing, resting, playing, having fun, learning and even participating with others in common coexistence.


Therefore, it is very important to teach children to value time, and that all activity that it takes place has a meaning and a purpose, to give meaning to life; hence, we must help each child to "understand" him according to his stage of life and his ability to do so, in accordance with Carlos Armando Ávila Cota, Amco pedagogical consultant, leader in research, development and implementation of educational methodologies.

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Have fun according to your personality!

Approaching holidays summer and it's time to plan recreational and recreational activities for children. If during this holiday period you can not go on a trip, there are six ways to occupy your children during this time and, best of all, contribute to the integral development of their abilities, so observe your children and identify what activities they enjoy doing .

Do not forget that each child has different tastes and abilities that can be exploited; this is indicated by the psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences, in which he affirms that each child develops in a different way his personal potentialities, according to the stimulation he receives.

Based on this theory, you have 6 different novel and fun ways to plan the holidays of the kids. If your child:


  1. Enjoy watching or caring for a pet or plant, it means that it is a child with naturalistic intelligence. For these children the ideal activity would be a walk through the zoo, a visit to the botanical garden or, simply, watch a nature documentary.
  2. He has skill in sports, so, summer camps are an excellent option, since these children have kinetic-body intelligence.
  3. He enjoys listening to rhythms and melodies, it means that he has more developed musical intelligence. Participating in courses of any instrument or in singing classes would be a good option.
  4. He enjoys writing, reading, and also has great facility to learn languages, then he is a child with linguistic intelligence. For these children it is advisable that you register, for example, in a children's story workshop.
  5. Spend the time drawing, it is very likely that it is a child with spatial intelligence; in this case, you can take it to art museums, to painting classes, buy a puzzle or play with it to assemble figures with plastic blocks ... you will surely have fun!
  6. Memorize numbers or data and understand the logic of things, it means that you have developed logical-mathematical intelligence, so you could enroll it in chess classes or teach it yourself; You can also invite him to solve riddles.

Remember that during holidays children can do things that they can not do regularly while they are in classes and, what better if the activities they do are of their liking and can contribute to the empowerment of their abilities, concludes Carlos Armando Ávila Cota.

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