Dangerous passion ...

It is the first intimate contact that a person experiences partner , and depending on its intensity (soft or passionate) it can burn between 10 and 26 calories However, this caress of lips and language can be the mechanism through which a disease is transmitted: the Kiss disease.

According to the expert Carlota Russ, secretary of the Infectiousness Committee of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP) , the cause of the kissing disease is the virus of Epstein - Barr, which has a long incubation period, between 5 and 7 weeks, and for its contagion requires close and prolonged contact.


Dangerous passion ...

The virus is transmitted through contact with the saliva of someone carrier, even up to two or three weeks after the symptoms disappear. Although you can also get infected by sharing glasses and utensils.

Not all cases are known to have the kissing disease, and that is because it has similarities with other ailments.

To avoid infecting your partner or family we offer some characteristics of this evil, which is not romantic, with information from the expert Russ.

1. Sore throat and cold.

2. Fever.

3. Growth of the lymph nodes on the neck.

4. Increased secretions of the tonsils, similar to when you are sick with angina.

5. Inflammation of liver.

6. Obstruction of airways.

7. Abdominal pain.

This disease is mainly treated with rest and antiviral drugs, and in most cases it does not leave sequels in the health of the patients.

The kiss is an essential contact for life. According to a study by the Oxford University, may be the way through which we can findr couple , since through the exchange of saliva We can know if your genetics is compatible and if it would be a potential partner to have a family.

Video Medicine: Preview: Dangerous Passion [a.k.a. Action Jackson 2] (1990) (April 2024).