Controls work stress

Today is celebrated World Mental Health Day and this year's theme is: "Mental health at work".

The stress It is considered the evil of the twentieth century, causes more deaths than automobile accidents and it seems that it has no solution, there are different types such as labor , but you really know, what is it?

It is the response of the organism (physical, chemical and emotional) to a situation of danger, which causes emotions such as fear , threat, anxiety , excitement, acceleration, which join a series of responses that affect the vital balance.

The stress It was a defense mechanism that saved lives in prehistory, but at present there is no physical danger as evident as that of this time. Therefore, some authors, sociologists and scholars consider that this is the answer to the cultural and social environment in which we operate.

Currently, the vast majority based their happiness on accumulating material goods, better jobs and social, have the best body, or focus on self-centeredness, which encourages the emotional side of individuals to be left aside.

The origin of stress and the body imbalance come from the decisions we make to shape our day to day, which creates stressful situations. Therefore, the important thing is to review them, question them and establish priorities; that is, stop and not just let go.


Work stress

All the activities developed by human beings within their work area generate work stress , because there is no time to enjoy another activity, even break the relationship.

The inflexible schedules in the companies, the decrease of the personnel and the insecurity are ideal ingredients for the work stress . Therefore, here are some recommendations for you to enjoy your work and reduce stress levels:

  1. Meditate Sit with your back straight on a chair and rest your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and breathe from the abdomen, until it is deeper every time. Try to put your mind in white, at first it will be a bit difficult, but with practice you will achieve it.
  2. just relax : Lie on the floor with a book as a pillow, bend your knees so that your feet are firm on the floor. Breath deeply.
  3. Walk : Take a walk around your work. Observe the trees, plants or birds that are by your side, let you take with the environment.

Also, in your personal environment it is very important that you make some changes that benefit your quality of life, such as:

  1. Enjoy the silence: When you arrive at your house, sit down, close your eyes and enjoy that space where you are.
  2. Turn off the phone: Disconnect from new technologies and enjoy your personal or family environment. There will be another time to talk, check your social networks and your mail.
  3. Go for a walk: Having contact with nature benefits your perception of life, it calms you and connects you with your environment.
  4. Free yourself from all negative thoughts: Ignore people who seek to take away your time or energy (emotional vampires).
  5. Distract: Find a hobby that you are passionate about and do it whenever you can.

It is important that you learn to calm your mind, not only help reduce the work stress , but your creativity will emerge. Remember that to eliminate it you should only give importance to the things or situations that have them, do not make assumptions, take care of what you say, give the best of yourself, accept diversity, do not try to control everything.

"We accumulate things that rob us of peace and give us unpleasant work hours: Montaigne." This should be a maxim to get rid of stress . So Fill your life with color and free yourself from work stress!

Video Medicine: How To Deal With Stress At Work (May 2024).