What makes you sleepy?

The lack of adequate rest is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases and the weight gain; situation that puts women's lives at risk, which according to a study of the Estivill sleep clinic, have a greater possibility of suffer insomnia (approximately 22%).


The insomnia is the difficulty for To fall asleep, to remain asleep during the night or to wake up too early in the morning ", as defined by an article of the National Library of Medicine in the United States .


What makes you sleepy?

There are biological and physical factors that can alter women's sleep. Here we give you some.

1. Menstruation. This is divided into two phases: In the follicular phase (which begins on the first day of menstruation and it extends until the day before ovulation). Luteal phase (extends from ovulation to the beginning of the next cycle). In this last phase there is less rest and there are more frequent alterations of the dream, this because of the levels of estrogen

2. Embrazo. About 70% of pregnant women have some type of disorder or difficulty in sleep, as a consequence of the increase in cortisol (a hormone associated with stress). This is indicated by a study prepared by the CHospitalario de Pontevedra , in Spain and published in the magazine Neurology .

3. Menopause. There is a decrease in circulating estradiol and testosterone, and an increase in the follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, hormones associated with changes such as sleep disorders.

4. Depression One of its most frequent symptoms is the insomnia. According to the World Health Organization This condition is more frequent in women.

5. Maternity. Many mothers '' never leave the surveillance '', says Katherine M. Sharkey, an expert in sleep medicine at the Sleep Laboratory for Scientific Research at Brown University.


The current rhythm of life and the burden of responsibilities cause the current woman to alter her sleep habit, with the implications that this entails in their health, work performance and mood, "says the doctor Mireia Pascual from the Estivill Sleep Clinic.

A good way to avoid this problem is to add a dose of exercise to your daily routine. The physical activity reduces cortisol and decreases the stress. With what you can rest better.

Video Medicine: How to Fall Asleep Faster (April 2024).