8 nutritional tips vs arthritis

Although the role of the diet in the treatment, prevention or cause in most types of arthritis There are scientific reasons to think that certain consumption habits can positively affect the diseases associated with the degeneration of joints .

The important thing of a diet is to balance it as best as possible to be healthy; that is, maintaining an ideal weight, and not overloading muscles and tendons.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Fedra Irazoque , Chief of Traumatism at the Siglo XX Medical Center, explains how to live with rheumatoid arthritis :

To avoid factors such as overweight provoke pain , inflammation and rigidity, the following considerations should be taken into account in accordance with the Lic. Karla Figueroa Arreaga, nutritionist of the Colegiado 2856:

1. Drink water daily to sweep accumulated toxins and stay well hydrated. 2. Eat fruits, vegetables and seeds, this will reduce the cholesterol and it will strengthen your immune system. 3. Fatty acids Omega 3 and fish oils are beneficial to decrease the inflammation . 4. Avoid the consumption of dairy products and cereals made from wheat or rye, because lactose and gluten often cause allergies. 5. Eat white meats, for the adequate contribution of proteins , and prefer olive oil to cook your food. 6. Every day it includes good portions of green vegetables accompanied by lemon, which will increase the contribution of vitamin C Y antioxidants . 7. The subsistence allowance with high content of vitamin D optimize the quality of your joints. 8. Reduce the consumption of fats, alcohol and salt.

Do not forget that the first step to carry out any nutritional regimen is to go with an expert, who will give you a specific guide to your needs. Did you know that if you have a disorder in your joints, it should be treated in a multidisciplinary way?

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