Care to wear a mane in perfect condition

The experts in hair fashion say that, after decades of cult to the blonde, the evidence surrenders to the brunettes. The latest trend in colors of hair dyes in the world it is brown, chocolate or coffee brown, this without neglecting the luminosity and chromatic richness.

In a recent article published by the newspaper El País, Francisco Sainero, technician of L'Oréal Professionnel, affirms that the medium and dark tonalities "are up to date, from the browns with cold reflections to the palest copper ones".


Care to wear a mane in perfect condition

For his part, Eduardo Sánchez, artistic director of Dessange International, points out that, for this fall-winter, it is time for the wicks or the highlights that bring movement, depth and lightness.

However, to wear a mane in perfect condition it is advisable to apply shine baths every four weeks to prevent the chestnut from turning matt; Wash each two with a pigment shampoo and use protective color washing lines to care for the pigments. The star ingredients that prolong the tone are the extract of larch, which acts as a fixative, and the antioxidants of green tea.


What we should know about hair dyes

Most of the colors of hair dyes current, they work through the reactions of complex organic or organometallic compounds.

According to Ana María Sosa Reyes, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), hair contains two pigments: melanin, which is also responsible for skin coloring, and pheomelanin, brown pigment. reddish or yellowish The amount of both determines the color of the hair and its absence produces gray or white hair.

The products that are now on the market not only offer a wide range of colors, you can also choose how long you want that new appearance.

Temporary dyes: These adhere only to the cuticle where they remain until the hair is washed

Semi-permanent dyes : They use smaller molecules that can cross the cuticle and reach freely to the hair cortex, staying there only for a few days.

Permanent dyes: they are incorporated into the hair in a definitive way.

In order not to mistreat the hair too much, it is best to let some time pass between each session and apply very nutritious masks between each discoloration. Even so, to avoid any damage s take into account the following precautions:

• Do not bleach at home and consult a professional the first time you are going to dye your hair.

• Analyze what we want to achieve and what each dye offers us to choose the most appropriate one.

• Do not apply dark non-permanent dyes on natural blond or white hair. The color would not be completely eliminated with the washes.

• Do not stain or discolor a hair treated with henna, color deviations occur.

• A hair dyed with a tone on tone should be discolored before applying a lighter tint.

• Avoid dying, discoloration and permanent if the hair is dry, opaque and electrified.

• In summer, protect the hair with solar products. The sun dehydrates and alters the color of the dye.

• Do not dye and do the permanent at the same time. They should spend at least fifteen days between one treatment and another to avoid damaging it too much.

Among the infinity of colors of hair dyes that exist in the market the dark is fashionable, but not at any price. Take care of your hair and look radiant this end of the year.

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