Respect, key to diversity

This May 17 in Mexico City as in other parts of the world, the International Day against Homophobia is celebrated.

Beyond discrimination, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, Homophobic people live about two and a half years less than those who do not have problems with this human condition.


Respect, key to diversity

In accordance with Ricardo Mújica, president of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination , indicates that the homophobia is based on a set of undeserved stigmas, disadvantageous prejudices and accepted taboos diminish the Life expectancy , protection against risks and access to services.

The study of Columbia University , led by Mark Hatzenbuehler, found that homophobic people were more susceptible to higher risk of death related to cardiovascular diseases. This situation is also directly related to the cultural and economic status of the person.

As for the causes of this phenomenon, research indicates that this can be associated with the levels of stress that generate a homophobic being in the presence of a homosexual.

The sexual preference It is a matter of people and decision, which must be respected by all. Remember, in sexuality everything is allowed as long as no harm is done to others.