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The stress It is a constant lifestyle, the traffic of the city, work or family pressures destroy the tranquility and they keep life at the edge of the thread. There are many common suggestions to combat it, but there are also unusual habits in this regard.

According to the French psychiatrist David Servan-Schreiber , founder of the magazine L'Express , the stress It is not a disease but a situation of tension that can lead to anguish and in turn lead to depression .

In the following video Mariano Garcés, chef-yogi collaborator of GetQoralHealth, shares a recipe to reduce stress that will surprise you.


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Among the most used techniques to end the stress they find themselves performing a physical activity, consuming medicinal plants that calm down the nerves , massages, among others. There are unusual habits to combat the stress that we already have in our day to day.

1. Sing Even if you are not a great soprano, you can enjoy this art to show your emotions . A study of University of Frankfurt When you sing you are breathing deeply without making it conscious, in addition to decreasing the stress hormones.

2. Hug your dog. If it's your best friend, turn to him. Although it may seem incredible to you, researchers discovered, when conducting a study with stressed students and putting them in contact with these pets, that meeting them helps you feel better by lowering the levels of Pressure .

3. Walk barefoot in the grass. The sole of the foot is one of the parts of the body with more nerve endings, putting them in contact with nature promotes blood circulation. Performing this activity generates a feeling of well-being and relaxation that will lower your stress levels.

4. Look at a landscape. Look through the window at the blue sky, it's a simple activity. It is proven that the blue color transmits calm, tranquility and peace which will help you to clear your head of the problems and to diminish the anxiety that causes stress

5. Help another person. When you support someone who needs it, almost automatically you will feel useful, happier with yourself and with a better state of cheer up . The reason for this is that when you carry out these activities you increase the production of endorphins , which frees you from stress.

6. Plant a tree. According to the experts of the University of Kansas , exposure to green helps to prevent stress . The conclusion of the study they made is that people who have plants in their workspaces suffer less anxiety; taking care of them offers you a rest.

7. Squeeze the fists. Kenneth Pelletier , author of the book "Stress free for good" , points out that the fact that you squeeze your fists for 5 seconds and then open them is a trick for you to relax instantly, it works because when you tense your muscles and then release them you feel relaxation.

The levels of stress that you handle should not minimize your desire to perform daily activities, implement relaxation habits and exercise will help you improve your mood. Also, remember that you should sleep well and maintain a healthy diet.