Basic therapy vs Parkinson

Parkinson's disease affects 2% of the population, that is, between 500 and 600 thousand people over 60 in Mexico, reveals the doctor Elisa Otero Cerdeira, responsible for the Disorders Unit of the Spanish Hospital in the area of ​​Neuroscience .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the president of the Surgery and Parkinson's Committee of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery stresses that the risk of suffering the disease increases with age.

"The possibility of having a greater number of patients with Parkinson's is increasing, due to the fact that the population pyramid is being inverted, that is, there are more people over 60 years old," says neurologist Elisa Otero.


Basic therapy vs Parkinson

An integral treatment guarantees the quality of life of people who have Parkinson's, so it is essential to take a pharmacological therapy and a specific neurological rehabilitation.

The dopaminergic therapy consists of the intake of dopamine agonists such as pramipexole which is taken once a day. The objective is to control the symptoms of movement disorders such as tremor, rigidity and slowness, as well as depression and sleep.

Meanwhile, neurorehabilitation It is an essential complement in the treatment of Parkinson's, because through exercises the neuroplastic mechanisms that help to control the physical, psychological and social symptoms are stimulated.

In addition, these therapies can be complemented with the practice of disciplines such as yoga, Tai Chi, fixed bicycle, swimming, acupuncture and dancing like tango.


Surgery in Parkinson

On the other hand, there is a surgery that improves the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's. It consists of stimulating specific brain areas with the help of a pacemaker so that they work properly.

The neurologist specifies that the surgery is not suitable for all patients with the disease, but for those who are in the intermediate or advanced stages and who meet these three characteristics:


  1. Correct diagnosis of Parkinson's.
  2. A good response to dopaminergic therapy
  3. Do not have neuropsychiatric disorders that can be increased with surgery, such as anxiety, dementia, sleep disorders.

Dr. Elisa Otero adds that it is very important that the patient with Parkinson's disease comply with pharmacological therapy and neurorehabilitation to have a better quality of life.

As a framework for World Parkinson's Day , on April 11, activities will be held in the esplanade of the Coyoacán delegation, where people can obtain information about the disease.

Video Medicine: Parkinson Disease: Treatment by a Physical Therapist (May 2024).