Learn to speed up your metabolism

A diet that has become very popular is that of displacement of calories . This is well known for cheating the metabolism . It's about avoiding common stagnation in most of the subsistence allowance .

If you have been to diet For a long time and tested different types, you are probably familiar with the daunting stagnation, which is basically the strange phenomenon that occurs when someone has done diet successfully, to subsequently stagnate; The truth is that no matter how hard you try to keep losing weight, nothing happens.

This phenomenon usually occurs during week three and four of having started the diet and it seems to be a recurring factor.

What many do not know is that such frustrating periods during the diet are, in fact, a natural mechanism of body defense . Here's how it works: When we change our routine, the body realizes what is being done. In a desperate attempt to avoid hunger, the body will protect itself, trying to slow down its metabolism to avoid losing additional weight.

In addition to reducing the weight that could be lost, this phenomenon makes us believe that the diet is unable to make us lose weight. This is the time when most of those who are diet They begin to feel frustrated.


The trick

The answer is a change in the calories of the diet . By changing the amount daily of calories, cheats metabolism and the body falls into the trap.

Once you reach this point, the metabolism of your body will not slow down and as a result, you can lose weight Y measurements .

There are different ways to integrate this plan into your daily routine. There are a lot of calorie displacement diets that you can follow . These are some of the most popular methods.

14 day method

In this one the diet will be followed during 14 days. Within them, 11 days will follow the scheduled diet , while the last three days you can freely eat any type of food you want.

The diet it's based on the different types of food you eat during the day, which helps fool your metabolism . The three-day trap in the program will not only keep your body from stagnating, it will also prevent you from feeling frustrated with a strict regimen.


2-day method

Another popular method is the plan of two day diet , which includes a day yes and a day no. The entire program is based on a two-day program.

The "yes" day is where you can eat regularly, while the "no" day would be the day on which you limit your caloric intake by 20 to 35% less than your normal consumption. Simply follow the pattern until you achieve your weight goal.

Video Medicine: Healthy Eating : How to Increase Your Metabolism Naturally (May 2024).