Bad breath, reflection of illness

Bad breath is not only annoying and unpleasant. It has multifactorial causes, negatively impacts on oral hygiene and is a risk factor to cause coronary diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and even, diabetes .

Currently, one out of every three people over 30 suffers from some degree of periodontal disease . In addition, almost 97 percent of Mexicans have ever suffered in their lives cavities , and just over 60 percent of those over 25 have experienced periodontitis .

As a result, when people reach the age of 65 they have lost up to 17 pieces of teeth, which means that Mexicans, on average, keep only 11 pieces of their original teeth.

Experts say that the origin lies in bad oral hygiene, excessive consumption of sweets and foods poor in fiber and, above all, in the poor attendance at the dentist.

The periodontitis it is a disease characterized by the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth. Until now, the most used treatment is the implant of a bone substitute, but the main disadvantage is its high cost.

From this arose the research carried out in the Dental Materials Laboratory of the Faculty of Dentistry of the UNAM (FO) , which consists of extracting from a marine animal known as sea cracker, the raw material to replace damaged bone.

The skeleton of this animal is composed of calcium carbonate, substance with which, from a chemical process, hydroxyapatite (main component of the bones) is obtained.

The experiments carried out so far by the scientists indicate that the material can be a beneficial resource in cases of periodontitis , mandibular defects and other bone diseases.

The sufferings of the mouth and teeth due to bad oral hygiene leave sequels that, in many cases, are corrected thanks to the hand of the dentist; however, behind that work is the research in dental materials.

The dark and obvious amalgams will be a thing of the past. Nowadays, the trend is the application of composite resins that resemble the color and texture of the original dental pieces. In the FO We are working in the manufacture of a resin with these characteristics that will compete with those that exist in the market.

Dental cement, produced by university scientists, is made of glass ionomer and has the same advantages as those produced abroad, such as the release of fluoride to prevent decay and physical properties for use as a fixative for metallic appliances. which are placed on the teeth, or as a stopper of molars, mainly children.

This development has the quality of being cheaper than those manufactured abroad, which is a great alternative in oral hygiene.

The School of Dentistry provides care to children and adults in University City and in 9 clinics located in different parts of Mexico City. Find out if there is one near your home by calling 56-23-22-10 .
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