Attitude vs. fat

The overweight It is a progressive process, it occurs gradually, but in episodes compulsive (binge) , mastering impulsivity is the key. Therefore, it is important to balance the link between addictive behavior and the object of relief (food).

Treatments based on diets and physical activity , they are effective in a first stage, but a sense of permanent restriction can not be sustained over time, because it creates ever greater anxiety .

It is, therefore, a triad where the domain of the thoughts ends by letting you out of the vicious circle of diet and binge , with the consequent rebound effect, preventing you from entering into a deeper frustration.

You have to train the mentality appropriate, recognize the obesity like a addiction , make the physical activity a habit more of life, as is the sanitizing every day, and find the balance and measure.

The mental parameters should include: avoid eating to relieve stress and the anxiety , not to seek ephemeral pleasure in food; The relief comes after recognizing that you actually avoid facing unwanted situations.

So that you know a little more about the effects of emotions in the overweight , in an interview with GetQoralHealth , Martha Sánchez Navarro explains why some women register a greater deposit of grease in hips and legs:

The relaxation At different levels, it becomes an excellent resource to maintain a balanced weight. At the physical level, the oxygenation cellular, we improve the nutrition of our cells, and consequently, decreases the stress Y craving by eat compulsively .

Usually, when we have done a period of diet and it worked for us, unconsciously we changed the chip and sent a message to the brain that we are no longerdiet , we relax and tend to fall into the old ways almost without realizing it.

If you want lose weight In an intelligent way, it is very important that you change your mentality and that you eliminate old beliefs and certain habits. It is important that you change your attitude .  

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Video Medicine: Fat Shark Attitude v4 AE vs Dominator HD3 - DVR + reception test (May 2024).