Does eating meat make you attractive?

A study of University of Luisville in Kentucky reveals that eating meat makes you more attractive or more manly before women. Do you think it's possible? Discover the reasons of scientists.

The teacher Hank Rothgerber In charge of the investigation, he commented to NBC News: "There is a group of" macho "men who hate what they call" food for girls "and they look for a double hamburger to declare their manhood."

For one of the studies, 125 psychology students were surveyed, for the other 89. All students were middle-class youth. According to Professor Rothberger, men expressed themselves more in favor of eating meat and denied more animal suffering.

The men surveyed argued religious and physical reasons for eating meat. Many of them assured that it is "human destiny" to feed on animals.

It is not the first study to discover this attitude towards food more prominently in males. Researchers of the University of British Columbia They published a study in which they revealed that vegetarian men are considered "less manly" than those who eat meat, even by women who do not consume it.

In that study, participants received false descriptions of several fictitious students in which the only variant was their consumption of meat, they were asked to rate various aspects of personality. Vegetarians were described more frequently as "virtuous" and less masculine.

A more published study by the University of Pennsylvania revealed that consuming food from animals is linked to masculinity and "American traditions."

Professor Rothberger considers that this may be one of the reasons why people continue to consume large quantities of meat, although it has been revealed that doing so often can have consequences for health and the environment. And you, do you think that eating meat is a sign of virility?

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