Adele has vocal cord hemorrhage

The British singer and Grammy winner, Adele canceled his tour of the United States after being diagnosed with a Hemorrhage in the vocal cords , which prevents him from boosting his voice ; his doctors recommended him repose absolute.

Adele commented that she feels very sad; However, he points out that singing is his life, hobby, love, freedom and his work, so he has no other option than to recover his voice appropriately and completely.


What is a hemorrhage in the vocal cords?

According to Center for Vocal String Surgery and Voice Rehabilitation , it is a rupture of the blood vessels that are below the surface of the vocal cord; It is usually caused by singing, loud yelling or coughing.

It is considered a vocal emergency and manifests itself with an abrupt loss of voice . It is necessary to maintain rest until it recovers completely.

The presence of blood in the vocal cord can cause inflammation , formation of tissue of cicatrization , polyp and risk of hoarseness persistent.

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Video Medicine: Meghan Trainor and her Vocal Cord Hemorrhage | #DrDan (April 2024).