"Love others. To you, who is in front of me, regardless of whether I know it or not, is something basic to feel good. There will always be people who do not like you. We all have enemies, but if I express love, I will grow as a person and that is what interests me. Try to be better. "

At a press conference, Cristian castro He revealed that his life drives are his children and his mother Verónica Castro. The basis of your success is to give the best in each presentation; look at people with "love", which helps you not get involved in negative situations:

"I am not a saint and I make many mistakes, but having this perspective of life helps me to feel good and relaxed with myself and that is what really matters".

During the presentation of his new record material "Cristian Castro-First Row. Vol. 1 " , the singer said he is open to receive the love of a new partner and soon will reside in Mexico (currently living in the United States), to take care of his grandmother.

"The family is the most important thing we have. I will return to live shortly in Mexico, to be aware of the health of my grandmother, whom I love with all my soul; we always have to give ourselves time to be with those who love us. "

Cristian castro He commented that the key to being happy and feeling good about yourself is to share your time only with those who love you, and not spend your time for those who are not important.