6 postures to fight insomnia

According to the head of the Sleep Clinic of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente", Alejandro Jiménez Genchi , sleep disorders can drastically affect the expectation and quality of life of people who suffer.

Among the factors that most influence the development of sleep disorders is stress and anxiety, everyday elements in today's life; But, is there any way to prevent or control this situation?

GetQoralHealth, with information from Huffington Post gives you 6 postures that will help you to feel calmer and to better reconcile the rest. Catch them!

1. Sukhasana. The forward inclination makes this an easy and accessible position. In addition, it is ideal to fall asleep, as it also relieves tension and allows the hips to open, giving a sense of well-being.

2. Uttanasana. In addition to helping relieve headaches and insomnia, posture can be helpful in lowering stress levels, according to the Yoga Journal. To do it, stand up and bend your torso to the ground, touching the tips of your feet with your hands.

3. Balasana. The pose of rest par excellence in many yoga classes, the position of the child helps to calm the mind and relieve the tension of the whole body. Fold the trunk over the legs with your arms extended and rest your forehead on the ground.

4. Viparita Karani. This simple pose is excellent for relaxing at night and relieving your body of stress. To have a greater effect, keep it for five minutes, with your eyes closed.

5. Savasana. Lying on the ground, like a corpse, this position is relaxing because it allows you to concentrate on your breathing, thus achieving peace.

6. Ardha Matsyendrasana . The seated twist can create a feeling of relaxation in the body while gently stretching the spine. What is liberating for the body and beneficial for rest.

A good rest will not only help you to feel better mentally, it will also allow you to improve your health. Try it!

Video Medicine: 6 Yoga Poses for Insomnia (April 2024).