6 common things that happen during sex

The level of excitement of couples can be minimized when inexplicable situations occur and which can cause embarrassment; However, during sex there may be an infinity of things that we simply have to control in order to fully enjoy intimacy.

According to information published in The Huffington Post , there are smells, sounds and feelings that can bother and damage sexual confidence, but all you have to know is the origin and see them as something normal within the relationship. Know them!

1. Dryness Sometimes, even if you are very excited, irritation can be registered due to lack of lubrication. In these cases you can use a product that helps you have a more pleasant sexual encounter.

2. You want to urinate. Some sexual positions like the "puppy" generate this feeling, because they directly stimulate the G-spot and cause a female ejaculation, which leaves the urethra. So you do not get confused, visit the toilet before starting the intimate encounter.

3. Shout. A study ofUniversity of Central Lancashire and Colin Hendrie of the University of Leeds details that 66% of women groan during sex to accelerate the couple's climax. There are even women who need to scream to reach orgasm.

4. Vaginal flatulence. This type of noise is only the air that is trapped in the vagina, but that by the sound can disturb the couple. Changing positions several times can encourage it.

5. Mental distraction Many times, even if they feel like having sex, people tend to think about all the pending things they have and consider it a couple's problem, because they do not have the ability to concentrate.

6. Headache. This type of discomfort is generated by the tension accumulated in the neck during sexual arousal or some changes in blood pressure. If it happens to you very often, it's time you go to the doctor.

Do not let a moment or a situation affect your sex life, especially if there are solutions. Try to find the fun side and use it to strengthen your emotional and physical bonds. And you, have you experienced something embarrassing during sex?