Difference between breast milk and formula

The World Health Organization (WHO), clarifies that the ideal food for a baby is the breastmilk ; It contains all the nutrients you need, plus it favors an excellent emotional relationship between mother and child. However, for babies that can not be breastfed , the milk formulas , that although they do not possess all the qualities of breastmilk , they cover their basic nutritional needs

Both types of lactation come with a series of benefits and disadvantages that we present here, so that you know their characteristics and together with your pediatrician Choose what type of breastfeeding to carry.


It has a large number of benefits, immune and bioactive factors They protect the infant from many infections and help him / her to better physical and emotional development that will allow him / her to enjoy a healthier life.

It can be obtained through the (breast pump) and save it to give it to the child later. This does not lose the properties and maintains the protection characteristics and promotion of growth up to 48 hours.

However, it also has some disadvantages. Know them!

  1. You have to Take care of what you eat, some food or drinks they are transmitted to the baby through the milk, by modifying its taste and consistency; therefore, you have to follow a diet very healthy and limit some things like the consumption of coffee, alcohol andCow milk .
  2. Breastfeeding is a different experience for a woman's body. Cause discomfort and discomfort , in the nipples and sinuses by inflammation.
  3. Consume time ; you have to be aware of the hours and the frequency of the shots, which can be difficult if you work, so you have to organize your time very well and count on family support.
  4. Requires patience and persistence, some moms and babies manage to fit beautifully in a short time, but others have a harder time working get used to the routine of breastfeeding.
  5. In case of suffering any disease , surgeries that involve the taking of medicines , you must stop breastfeeding. Otherwise, you will affect the quality of your child's life.

Artificial milk, meets the necessary

The milk formulas are the result of more than 100 years of research to find an appropriate replacement for the breastmilk. Their main benefit is that they help preserve life and baby health when for various reasons he can not receive a breastfeeding. Among the benefits of this type of lactation we find:

  1. Comfort, Your partner or anyone in charge can feed the baby. This allows sharing responsibilities and creating attachments to the baby, in addition to the maternal one.
  2. Less frequent shots As the artificial milk digests more slowly, you can space more shots, and therefore, you do not have to be so aware of the time of milk.
  3. There is no special diet. Can eat Y drink what you want; This will not affect the baby.

On the other hand, formula milk has some disadvantages

  1. Try to reproduce the nutritional quality of breast milk; but nevertheless, does not contain any immunological substances , nor the hormones that promote the proper growth of the child.
  2. Organization. With formula milk you have the extra work to prepare the bottles and wash them and sterilize them after each take.

The truth is that each mother has different needs for both her and her baby. The most important thing is that you do not stop consulting the pediatrician to advise you in a simple and effective way, on how to carry out breastfeeding.