Sadness or depression?

Often our pace of life is often accelerated and prone to stress; Therefore, without realizing it, some of our loved ones may feel weak or sad and move towards depression.
If you do not know what to do or say in this type of situation, in GetQoralHealth , we invite you to learn more about depression and how to help your loved ones. Cheer up!

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Sadness or depression?

It is normal to feel sad or discouraged from time to time, however according to the American Psychological Association (APA) , depression occurs when feelings of deep sadness or despair last at least two weeks.


What causes depression?

Depressive episodes may be accompanied by one or more of the following behaviors: loss of interest and concentration, low energy and performance, anxiety, sleep and appetite disturbances, low self-esteem, negativity and feelings of guilt.

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How to help a person with depression?

1. Convince. The person must be persuaded to attend the doctor. Due to the stigmatization of mental illness, it is difficult for a person with depression to seek help.
2. Accompany. It is important that the person with depression feel support and also that the possible reactions of pharmacological treatments are monitored.
3. Listen Depressed people often have a negative mood, may not want to talk and will be difficult to do if you feel pressured by advice and opinions on their problems, be patient.
4. Attention Do activities that you know you like to do, stay tuned to any negative thoughts, try to make them see your problem as just a "bad time".

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , depression is the result of complex interactions between social, psychological and biological factors. Depression affects women more than men. The treatments prevent the worst consequence: suicide; causing 1 million deaths per year.