7 ways to stay in a good mood

Being in a good mood is having all our capacity to be happy , so we live day by day with spirit positive it will end up affecting others in yourself.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some recommendations to keep you from good humor :

1. Eat properly . Your body needs energy to start the day, to not feel fatigued and face it with joy Y enthusiasm . A new day to love life.

2. Think positive . When we think negatively our forces diminish, everything turns gray and the spirits decline. Think about positive , today is a good day to start, the best day to be happy , you decide when you start.

3. Share with your friends . Go out with them to celebrate friendship, who are together, who can talk and express their worth.

4. Obséquiate a gift . Pamper yourself and buy what you have wanted, even if it is something small, it will be your gift; It is the way to tell you that you love yourself, that you like yourself, that you celebrate as you are.

5. Embrace a loved one . It is very beneficial to give and receive love because it comforts us, warms the soul and wraps the heart. In states of Bad mood it soothes and calms us.

6. Stimulate your senses . Surround yourself with pleasant scents, use fun colors to dress and in your environment. Listen to music and let yourself be carried away by its melody. It will be a fun way to relax .

7. Create your moment . Find the activity that you like the most to do at least once a week. Give yourself the pleasure of a time for yourself and lower the rhythm of your life a little.

Remember that all the good humor that you can give will be returned to you in the form of positive energy , happiness , laughter Y love . Give yourself the opportunity to feel good about yourself: everything looks better with good humor . And to you, how do you like to pamper yourself?

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