5 tips to take care of your kidney

The kidneys they play a primordial role in our life. It is known that there are around 15 million Mexicans with some degree of renal failure, and of these 129,000 are in advanced or terminal stages.

The main tasks of the kidneys are the removal of metabolic waste (detoxification) and the regulation of body water, electrolyte and base / acid balance. Know some of the functions of the kidneys:


  1. Remove the waste.
  2. Remove excess fluid (concentration and dilution of urine).
  3. Regulates the acid balance (excretion of H +, conservation of HCO3).
  4. Regulates the level of electrolytes
  5. Stabilizes blood pressure
  6. It controls the production of red blood cells. (EPO).
  7. Regulates calcium intake.

The kidney it is the organ that is most required with a waiting list of more than 8 thousand people and its demand increases with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension , which are the biggest risk factor for chronic kidney disease .

Within the framework of World Kidney Day , which is commemorated this March 8, GetQoralHealth gives you some tips to protect your kidneys:

1. The watermelon It is considered the fruit of the kidney, since its juice helps to cleanse the tissues and blood, although it should be consumed as fresh as possible. Once opened it degenerates rapidly and produces toxins. Other fruits that are diuretic and that offer the same benefits as watermelon are artichokes, grapes and apples. 2. People who have high cholesterol They are more likely to develop kidney damage. In case of renal failure, a reduction in the consumption of fats would favor a slow evolution of it. Something similar happens with diabetic people, in whom a limited intake of sugars is essential. 3. The foods that make people work the most kidneys for their elimination they are the proteins that are, mainly, in the meat, the fish and the eggs.

4. You should drink a lot Water except in those cases in which kidney disease urinates little and is very swollen. In order for the organism to function properly, two and a half liters a day must be taken. 5. Avoid the smoking . Smoking decreases the blood supply to the kidneys. It also helps the development of kidney cancer.

The World Kidney Day born of a joint effort between the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF) and the International Society of Neprhology (ISN) in the year 2006.

In order to generate greater awareness of the diverse kidney diseases , will take place this Thursday, March 8 at 09:00 in the Auditorium Sánchez Villaseñor de la Ibeoamerican University , various conferences with experts for this topic. GetQoralHealth and the Mexican Association for the Study of Renal Tubular Acidosis , they have 10 courtesies for you. Write us to contact @ GetQoralHealth and be one of the winners.

Video Medicine: Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Improve Kidney Function (May 2024).