And if you do not pass?

We usually drink alcohol in the company of our friends and family, if you really care about your safety and that of yours, we invite you to know some of the myths that surround the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Mexico and the proof of the breathalyser.

You have already heard about some remedies to pass the alcohol test and avoid falling into the "Torito", like: chew brown paper, rinse your mouth with pinol, suck a coin, or even the most typical is chewing gum.

However, what you do not know is that none of these works, what is really effective to pass the alcohol test is to avoid driving if you have drunk or wait for a while to pass the effects of alcohol. There is no established time, it depends on each organism, that's why it best avoids combining alcohol and steering wheel.

You should know that what the breathalyzer measures is the alcohol in aspirated air; this means, the air that comes from your lungs and not the air of breath, for this reason is that you will not work any of the previous remedies.

Do you think you are a social drinker because you only get drunk every eight days or every time you go out partying? a true social drinker never abuses alcohol, drinks up to three drinks per occasion (for 24 hrs). He always has control over what he drinks, he only does it on very special occasions, he never has problems because of his way of drinking because his goal is socialize and live together, does not need this to have fun and does not drink or be exposed to situations of risk.

Choosing to be a responsible driver is the best option if your safety depends on you and yours, do not expose yourself for a moment that you "think" funny, or let yourself be carried away by "myths" that put you at risk in order to deceive the breathalyzer test.

It is better that you demonstrate that you know how to drink and when to do it, do not get confused, inform yourself and spread the word. You enjoy it better when you do it in a conscientious way, do not overdo it, that's not socializing. The joke is to have fun and not overdo it.

If you want to know more visit "You decide how much you take" // //