5 tips to create your exercise routine

If you wish Burn calories As well as toning the different muscles of your body, it is necessary that you program your physical activity according to your needs and goals. For this, if you do not have an instructor, you should know how to set up a training routine that combines both the aerobic work as anaerobic for better results.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , Adrián Rubio , outstanding actor, presents you with some recommendations in the following video to create your training routine to keep you in shape:

Also, according to esfitness.com, you can create your training routine taking into account the following tips, once you have chosen your goals, the muscle groups you will exercise, the feeding, hydration and the required warm-up times:

1. If you have never exercised, or you have not exercised for a while, do not expect to be able to do it one hour a day, six days a week. Try to start with three weekly aerobic sessions of 30 minutes. After two weeks, add two weight-lifting sessions between your aerobic sessions.

2. The way you do your Workout routines it's as important as the same exercises . Doing many repetitions, with regular rest 30 to 40 seconds, slowly and correctly concentrating the necessary effort or contraction, will give you good results.

3. Organize your routine on your calendar and stick to it. Make a commitment with yourself. Do not just make a mental promise, write what you want to achieve and set yourself a time to achieve your goals.

4. You can add new challenges to keep your routine interesting and fun If you like it, you are more likely to continue doing it. Not all exercises They are done in the gym, try some outdoor sports. The key to maintaining your routine of exercises is that you enjoy it.

5. Try to do exercise in the evening, at least two hours after dinner. In this way, you will get two benefits: you will fall asleep faster, and you will not feel tired when you have to perform other tasks.

Do not worry if you are not seeing results as fast as you would like. It usually takes about 8 weeks for the results of your training routine to be noticed. Try to sleep early and get enough rest. Remember that muscles grow and regenerate during deep sleep.

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Video Medicine: Shaun T's 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout (April 2024).