5 therapies to control stress

There are many techniques that exist to allow anyone to cope with the stress , that is, living with him without hurting you. Therefore, it is important to learn to know your interior to recognize the symptoms of stress and handle it before he manages you. Among the most recommended therapies, GetQoralHealth suggests you try these five:

1. Aromatherapy: It is a very old oriental technique, whose effect is to relax. It consists of using herbal oils and other aromatic plants, which if applied in the body, achieve the relaxation or the relief of a pain or disorder. These solutions can be applied on the skin with a relaxant massage , inhale in the form of steam or the smoke generated by aromatic candles, add bubbles or oils in the bath water or use in compresses that are applied in certain parts of the body.

This technique bases its effectiveness on two basic mechanisms: the sense of smell and the absorbent capacity of the skin . Therapists claim that the inhalation of certain fragrances causes the brain release chemicals that fight the stress and the fatigue .

2. Breathing: proper control of the breathing is one of the simplest strategies to deal with situations of stress . Having correct breathing habits is very important because it provides the body with enough oxygen for the brain . The goal of breathing techniques is to facilitate voluntary control of it and automate it so that it can be maintained in situations of stress .

3. Laughter therapy: Good humor generates greater productivity and decreases the stress . Humor is a motivating spring par excellence, which in addition to being an escape valve for tension, promotes creativity and desire to work.

Humor should be considered as an adjunct to well-being, improvement of the organization and the person. It entails the solution of conflicts, resistance to the excessive burden of stress and it establishes a more fluid community, and it is an excellent medicine that reduces tension, anxiety Y depression .

4. Massage: when the muscles are tense or have been subjected to too much effort accumulate waste substances that cause pain , stiffness, and even muscle spasms. By increasing circulation to and from muscles , the massage accelerates the elimination of these toxic and harmful substances. At the same time, massage it makes it arrive blood and fresh oxygen to the tissues, thereby relieving the process of recovery from injuries and numerous diseases.

5. Music therapy: music influences the respiratory rhythm, the blood pressure , stomach contractions and hormone levels. Heart rhythms accelerate or slow down in a way that synchronizes with musical rhythms. It is also known that music can alter the electrical rhythms of the brain .

Music therapy maintains that what one hears can affect the Health positively or negatively Sound can be a great healer. Music therapists use sound to help with a wide variety of medical problems, ranging from the illness of Alzheime r to the toothache.

The fact of using a technique for the management of stress and being able to control its harmful effects does not mean that a disease that has arisen from it has already been cured, it is important to go to the respective doctor to avoid further complications.

Video Medicine: Biofeedback: Managing Stress (April 2024).