5 steps to start exercising

Start a program physical activity is one of the things that most benefits health, not just to be or stay thin , but because it reduces the risk of having chronic diseases ; It gives you more motor and physical coordination. In addition, your skin is hydrated and your mood improves. So here we present 5 tips, which according to the Mayo Clinic will help you have the exercise as a healthy habit of life.

1. Self-evaluate

It is likely that you have a general idea of ​​what your physical performance is, but you need to analyze the following questions so that you start with the right training plan for you:

  • Does your pulse quicken when walking 1.6 kilometers?
  • How long does it take you to walk it?
  • What is your Body Mass Index (BMI)?
  • How much does your waist measure?
  • Can you do push-ups? How many?

2. Create your exercise plan

  • Consider what goals you want to achieve . Do you want to lose weight, tone up or mark your body? Know your motivation: Prepare for a marathon? This will allow you to have more progress in your training
  • Create a routine . Ideally, adults should perform at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity. Later you can increase this figure to 2 or 4 days a week
  • Go at your own pace . Do not despair. The objective of the exercise is that you enjoy it. Do not demand more than you can, little by little your condition will improve. If you feel bad, it is important that you visit the doctor, to avoid any setbacks

3. Build your team

To get started in the sports world, you need to wear the right clothes. It is important that your clothing and footwear are appropriate, so that you train 100%. Analyze the options available in the market and choose the best one for you, regardless of whether it is fashionable or not.

4. Start

Remember that the exercise When it starts or resumes, it must be slow and gradual. You can start with 10 minutes; It is logical that at the end of this, you feel tired, but little by little you can demand more from your body. Maybe next week you will increase 5 or 10 more minutes. You will move forward effectively and safely for you.

5. Monitor your progress

It is recommended that every 6 weeks you evaluate your level of training , so that you analyze the results you have and generate variations in your exercise, since the body gets used to it. It is necessary that there is always variety so that the burning of grease be constant.

If you get to lose your motivation to keep going, try to have new goals like doing exercise with your friends , take a group class or go to a gym. The idea is that you keep the exercise as one of your best allies of life.

Remember to start a program of exercise It is a very important decision, for that reason you must plan it, be patient and be very consistent, only this way you will achieve the desired results. Exercise should become one of your healthy living habits.