5 scientific reasons for burning eyes

Who live in the big cities, where the environmental pollution it is our daily bread, we know what is the daily burning of eyes; However, there are other causes that announce us more serious problems.

Constant redness of the eyes can also cause a sudden and marked decrease in visual acuity, pain and photophobia. The first advice of every specialist is "always avoid self-mediation; Any problem that lasts more than 24 hours, should be consulted with a doctor.

I agree with you National Institutes of Health of the United States and the National Eye Institute (NIE, for its acronym in English), the causes can be varied. In GetQoralHealth we tell you which are the most important that cause burning eyes:

1. Allergies, including seasonal ones (or hay fever). The burning eyes and irritation caused by allergies or chemical irritants (such as chlorine in a pool or makeup products) can be very annoying. The important thing is to determine the allergen . The treatment can be drops with antihistamine or another product.

2. Infections caused by bacteria or viruses, including flu and colds, can cause watery, red and irritated eyes.

3. Conjunctivitis or acute conjunctivitis. Is a inflammation or infection of the membrane lining the eyelids, called conjunctiva , which is produced mainly by a virus or bacteria . The conjunctivitis Acute or viral infections cause red or bloodshot eyes and excessive tearing. If you suspect conjunctivitis sharp, remember to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching the healthy eye; the infection will run its course in about 10 days. Bacterial conjunctivitis is not common, but if white, yellow or greenish eye discharge occurs, you should contact your doctor.

4. Dryness. Sometimes, the burning of eyes can be due to the lack of production of the tears that lubricate them and eliminate particles and foreign bodies, which can derive in tiny abrasions. It can also be caused by fatigue or fatigue after reading or using contact lenses . An alternative may be artificial tears, prescribed by a specialist.

5. Presence of a foreign body. Avoid rubbing or pressing the eye to avoid damaging the cornea or causing other infections. In these cases, it is frequent that the burning of eyes causes the secretion of tears to try to eliminate the foreign body.

In all cases, to soothe the irritation and burning eyes you can use cold water compresses, placed gently on it without pressing or rubbing. In more severe cases there are other medicines according to your problem. Remember: never self-medicate.

Video Medicine: Home Remedies for Burning Eyes (April 2024).