5 benefits of running with weights

Considered one of the most complete physical activities that exist, running has now become the ideal tool to achieve objectives: lose weight , tone and shape muscles. However, its benefits can be seen enhanced through the use of sports elements; example, the weights.

Running with weights is an increasingly common practice, since moving an extra weight, while doing the exercise, generates a greater calorie burn, which translates into lose weight more quickly.

The weights, regularly, are placed on ankles and wrists and should not exceed 3 and 5 kilos. Remember, abuse or excess weight can damage your joints.

In addition to losing weight, running with weights has other benefits and GetQoralHealth offers you some:

1. Improves the strength, power, speed, resistance and elasticity of the runner.

2. They generate an additional stimulus in the muscles of the legs and arms which allows you to tone them more quickly.

3. It allows you to get good results in shorter times.

4. They make much more use of cardiovascular work.

5. Running with weights means an increase in physical demand and a higher caloric intake.

Before adding an extra weight to your routine, it is necessary to take into account some tips:

1. Do not use these weights if you have joint problems.

2. Start with a moderate weight. This practice must be progressive. Remember that your body is not used to it, if you add an untimely weight you can generate an injury.

3. Make sure you can walk perfectly with these weights.

In any exercise, however simple it is presented to your eyes should be advised by a professional. In addition, it is recommended that before starting any routine you consult the doctor to know in which state of health you are and if the sport activity is adapted to your needs.

Beyond losing weight, the objective of training is to maintain and improve health, try to perform 30 minutes a day and notice the physical and emotional difference.

Video Medicine: Ankle & Knee Injuries : How to Train With Ankle Weights (April 2024).