Do everything for you

The most successful treatment for you to overcome the anorexy is one that combines psychotherapy, family therapy and medication. But above all it is important that you participate actively in each process, indicate the experts of the University of Maryland Medical Center .

The biggest step, which is to recognize that you have a condition, you already gave it. Now, it is important that you know that in order to recover from the anorexy It is necessary that you go with a nutritionist or psychologist specialized in eating disorders so you can start a treatment .

According to the experts of Mayo Clinic , the first objective of the treatment will be to return to a Healthy weight and that you learn how to properly nourish yourself. And this is where a nutritionist will help you develop a plan feeding balanced.

On the other hand, the experts assure that as part of the treatment it is necessary that you participate in a cognitive-behavioral therapy developed by a psychologist. Through this you will be able to normalize your eating patterns and behaviors to support your weight gain.

Also, this type of therapy aims to change beliefs distorted and the thoughts that keep you under a restrictive diet, inform the specialists of the medical institution.


Do everything for you

Concentrating on your recovery process is a useful technique to move forward, as it may seem sometimes Stressful or unreachable. But paying attention to the following points will help you feel better, according to the National Eating Disorders Collaboration .

1. Support Feel you supported by the people around you will help you to feel less isolated, and therefore to follow your treatment better.

2. Hope and motivation. Do not lose the hope that this problem has a solution, nor does the motivation to change your eating behaviors, this is the basis of recovery.

3. Understanding and expression of your emotions. It is normal for you to feel many emotions found, but you should not stay with them. You must express them with the specialist or your family.

4. Participate in activities. Go back to the things you love, this will help you build self esteem and to reconnect with the world around you.

5. Go ahead. The treatment is carried out step by step, even if you have small declines, you should not give up. Continue with each step that the specialists indicate.


Alternative medicine

Disciplines such as acupuncture , yoga or meditation are an ally of conventional treatment against anorexy , since they help reduce the levels of anxiety . They also promote a sense of well-being and you relax , indicate the experts of Mayo Clinic. You can practice any one for half an hour a day.

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