10 keys to close circles

Everyone, at some time in life shows, we have to close circles , cycles or as they say, turn the page and continue.

This not only applies to an emotional relationship, love or friendship, but also to other areas of our existence: quitting or starting a new job, moving from home, changing cities or accepting the death of a loved one.

These experiences shape our character and the way in which we see and face everyday problems; However, there are some occasions that this learning is interrupted, why? The answer is that some circles remain open, and therefore we drag, the good or the bad, to the next facet of our life.

For this reason, GetQoralHealth gives you 10 tips that will help you to continue your projects, this through closing circles:

1. Accept what you can not change . The past has already happened. Release the negative, live your grief and release the emotional weight.

2. Face the situation. Do not leave anything pending, confront it in the moment.

3. The more you give a situation, the harder it will be to solve it. Think well and plan, but act immediately.

4. Be honest and honest with yourself. Do not be fooled by others or by yourself, that will only avoid seeing the problem clearly.

5. Maintain a serene attitude . Channel stress, do not let yourself be guided by your emotions and impulses, always try to stay calm.

6. Face the situation without violence. Remember, aggression does not help at all, on the contrary it can complicate things.

7. Release remorse. Do not look back to highlight your mistakes or to think about what you could do. Simply, assume the commitment to correct and restart.

8. Heal and forgive . Eliminate the blame, no longer has a case, try to continue, forgive those who hurt you, but above all, forgive yourself.

9. Surround yourself with positive people. Try to renew your social circle, the attitude of other people can help you recover your optimism and the courage to face life.

10. Everything will be fine . Even if you feel that everything is lost, remember that there is always a way out. Life is a torrent that flows to continue.

To continue you need before close circles , that's why it's important that you encourage them to do so. Do not miss opportunities, because of the past and fears. Try it!

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Video Medicine: The Circle of Fifths - How to Actually Use It (April 2024).