1. They work with their thoughts

The psychologists they are specialists to whom we go for help when the anxiety, stress or partner problems affect us in life. And while they do an extraordinary job, they are still human beings who suffer like us, but how do they resolve their problems ?


The psychologists we have the support of another expert, because we, in addition to our life history, fears and insecurities, we must also learn to manage those of the patient. This is to avoid getting caught up in your problems, "he says. Andrés Fernández , doctor and psychotherapist of theNational Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) .

As the expert indicates, the advantage of psychologists is that they learn from their own techniques and that gives them the possibility to react differently in life.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Fernández, based on her experience and coexistence with others psychologists , shares some ways in which they solve their problems.


1. They work with their thoughts

Psychologists know that thoughts lead to generate certain type of emotions . They have a different perception, through which they control or avoid the ideas that cause the anxiety or stress for their problems, and this helps them think more clearly about solutions.


2. Write

Plasma their problems on paper and with it they can make a scheme to solve them. They shred the situation to find, first, the causes of problem , and second the range of possibilities that solve it.


3. Relieve

As therapists they know it's valid suffer , mourn and vent feelings that generate problems.


I say to my patients, and to myself, 15 minutes it is worth saying 'I went wrong', 'I am very worn out by this problem'. You have the luxury of 'getting it wrong', but after this time you have to think about facing things in a different way, more proactive, "says Andrés Fernández.


4. They use their tools

In the resolution of conflicts, psychologists they put on the table the options they have to solve a situation, and then they analyze which one is best for them, how they will negotiate it, how they can be flexible or empathic .


5. Do other activities

To have the mind Clearly, psychologists perform activities such as dancing, doing exercise , paint or spend time with your family. With this they manage to separate the negative thoughts, so that the brain has changes and think of more effective solutions for their problems.

Andrés Fernández explains that "in the end the psychologist is not a person who perfectly manages emotions or thoughts, rather it is someone who has more tools to do it. But we must not forget that it also has its own history and experiences. "